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Are you planning a long distance moving?

If you are like many Americans, this upcoming moving season probably has your interests piqued. Many people are ready to move out and find somewhere else to go and live their lives. It’s becoming more common for youths and families to move now that everyone is better connected to the internet. Long Distance Moving – easy solution to the boring surroundings and immediate change of pace.

But if you are planning a long distance moving, it is no small feat. There are many hurdles along the way that you need to avoid or plan for, and if you’re going to survive, you’re going to need a guide. That is where we come in. Top Notch Movers have been helping people and businesses move in for several years and in that time have helped many people move from state to state. So keep reading this guide and learn how to master your move today!

Getting the Right Truck and Company

The two biggest questions that couples ask each other are what size truck will we need and will you hire a moving service?

Getting the Right Truck – Long Distance Moving

For many people, this is the biggest point of contention. For many Americans, they will determine Vans, 12 or 16 footer box trucks, or industrial semis to help them move. Often if it becomes too costly for young couples, they will often debate whether it would be cheaper to get rid of some of their stuff and buy it again. These can be tricky and trying times, but often it is easier to get a smaller truck if it means saving more on MPG.

Getting the Right Movers

preparing for a big moveNext, you will debate getting a professional moving company. For many, this is difficult, long distance moving can be challenging, but if you find a moving company that is certified and a part of the right organizations you run high chances of getting someone who will charge you fairly, avoid hidden fees, and have a reasonable point of entry regarding rental prices. For Example, we pride ourselves on our multiple certifications and examples of charity moving services, but that is still not enough for some potential clients.

Loading Everything Up Correctly

Next, you want to make sure that everything is loaded up correctly to ensure nothing shifts in transit. This requires proper posture/technique and proper storing. All the items must be secured with the straps to withhold any potential road bumps, long distance moving requires a lot of driving and requires you to be careful on the road.

How to Move Boxes Correctly

First, to avoid injury, you need to lift boxes correctly. First, you need to ensure your boxes do not exceed 50 pounds if possible. Next, you want to evenly square your feet below your needs and effectively squat and lift with your legs. Finally, you need to hold the box tightly as you load it onto the truck. Get your moving straps if you are having a hard time grasping the items.

How to Store Boxes on a Moving Truck

how to move long distancesNext, you want to store your boxes on a Moving truck. To do that, you need to ensure the most structurally sound boxes are on the bottom and build up of course. Next, try tagging your items with markers and tags to ensure you can quickly and easily move them from the truck back to your home. Finally, use wraps and straps to keep all of the objects together.

SouthWest Movers

At Southwest Movers we love helping people move. If you are younger and not attached to an area, we highly recommend moving somewhere crazy and getting to know people somewhere new. But if you are looking at staying close to family or jobs, it doesn’t hurt to find smaller communities and increasing your commute. IF you have any questions at all, give us a call!